Bridget Wade
for HISD District VII

About Bridget Wade

Bridget Wade is the incumbent elected Trustee for District VII. She is a conservative who won the seat in 2021. She is a  former student of the Houston Independent School District. She is a life-long Houstonian and understands the need to restore faith in HISD’s leadership.

The CAN-DO attitude that is synonymous with Houston’s founding is precisely what she brings to the Board. Bridget is committed to bringing measurable results, holding stakeholders accountable, and offering our community hope in our children’s future, once again.

Workforce Ready

Houston’s children are Houston’s future! An educated workforce will keep Houston powerful and vibrant. Our children must be our first order of business in securing Houston’s future.

Research is clear: the foundations set in the early years of life are the building blocks for future academic success. Better academic outcomes bring better job opportunities and a more successful Houston.

  • Sound reading skills that start with proven time-tested methods.
  • Math basics that are core to advancement.
  • Budget accountability to our taxpayers.
  • Teachers given opportunities for training, guidance, and accessible teaching tools.
  • Competitive pay for teachers so that HISD can attract and retain the best teachers for our kids.
  • Leadership that sets the path and tone for a long-term vision, goal setting and holding themselves accountable for results.
  • Better utilize the HISD annual budget to elevate student outcomes.
  • Reasonable and attainable goals, both short and long term.
  • Innovation to meet the needs of our students, staff, and infrastructure.
  • Foster a healthy relationship between our schools, staff and the community.


Hope must be fueled and independence fostered.  The first and most important goal of HISD is to have our kids ready for career, college or military service.  Our children are worth the investment!